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Tuesday, January 9, 2018

PJ Mehta’s Practical Medicine 20th edition pdf

PJ Mehta’s Practical Medicine 20th edition pdf Content part 1 PART I – CLINICAL CASES 1. HISTORY TAKING AND SYMPTOMATOLOGY 2. GENERAL EXAMINATION 3.ABDOMEN 4. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 5. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM 6. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM PJ Mehta’s Practical Medicine 20th edition pdf covers the whole 7 system of the body. Many students face the difficulty in the viva for the differential diagnosis, example pallor is seen so many condition or icterus is seen in so many diseases, this PJ Mehta medicine practical book helps the student in categorizing the disease and their differential. PJ Mehta’s Practical Medicine 20th edition pdf content part 2 7. MEDICAL EMERGENCIES 8. ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY 9. RADIOLOGY 10. INSTRUMENTS 11. PROCEDURES 12. HEMATOLOGY 13. CLINICAL PATHOLOGY 14. PATHOLOGY SPECIMENS 15. DRUGS The author was the pioneer in the internal medicine, he knows what the students want in the medical school. This book too much helpful for the students who are in the MBBS and preparing for the viva of the internal medicine. PJ Mehta’s Practical Medicine 20th edition pdf gives the basic knowledge for the people who are in the internal medicine residency or preparing for the usmle step 2 CK.

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